Next7 IT Globally Ranked on the Channel Futures 2024 MSP501

2024 Winner of Channel Futures MSP 501 Award

Next7 IT has been named one of the world’s top-performing managed service providers in the 2024 Channel Futures MSP 501 rankings. The list, a technology industry benchmark, ranks companies based on their growth, profitability, and innovation. For the past 17 years, managed service providers around the globe have submitted applications for inclusion. It is a […]

Google’s New .zip and .mov Website Domains Bring Potential Trouble


You’re likely familiar with ZIP archives, which allow you to compress multiple files into one to save space and make transferring them easier. But as of 2023, .zip is now a valid ending for websites online as well. While a minor change in the grand scheme, this has implications for security you should be aware […]

That “Wrong Number” Text Is a Scam! Don’t Respond to It


Chances are that you’ve gotten a “wrong number” text in the last year or two. While this looks like an innocent mistake, it’s actually the start of a long scam that has resulted in millions of lost dollars from victims. Let’s step through what happens if you respond to a “wrong number” message so you […]

What Are Passkeys and How Can They Replace Passwords?


A lot of security concerns revolve around passwords because of their many weaknesses. However, we may be headed towards a future where such attacks are largely a memory. This is thanks to passkeys, a new type of authentication that sidesteps many problems of passwords while also offering incredible convenience. Let’s learn about them and their […]

What Is Simjacking and How Can You Stay Safe?


Simjacking is a growing threat that results in major problems for its victims. It’s important for you to understand how this attack works and what you can do to protect yourself from this type of account fraud. What Is Simjacking? Simjacking, also called SIM swapping, is a way for attackers to take over someone’s phone […]

Which Two-Factor Authentication Method Is Best?


While two-factor authentication is a vital step for improving account security, you’ve likely noticed that there are a variety of options for this. But which are the best? It depends on the scenario and the balance of security and convenience you’re looking for. Let’s consider some common forms of secondary authentication so you understand the […]

Microsoft Azure AD’s New Settings Push Greater Security


If your company uses Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory) to manage its users, a new option for admins will push greater security onto your users. Let’s take a look at what this means and how this setting works. Microsoft Gets More Secure We’ve discussed before how a password alone is not enough to […]

Microsoft Copilot Brings an AI Companion to Your Windows Desktop


It’s not hard to notice how much AI has exploded into the scene since late 2022. Nearly every service has had some kind of AI functionality added to it, so it can be hard to keep track of which service to visit to accomplish what you want. For Windows users, that process is set to […]

What Is ChatGPT and How Can Small Businesses Utilize It?


Chances are that you’ve at least heard of ChatGPT since it went explosively viral in late 2022. This AI chat tool has a wide range of skills and has the potential to change the landscape of many industries, but what can you do to leverage it for your business? Let’s take a look at ChatGPT […]

How QR Codes Are Used in a New Phishing Attack


In mid-August 2023, security company Cofense published a report detailing a new string of phishing attacks against an otherwise-unnamed “major Energy company based in the US”. These attacks rely on the use of a QR code, which is not a particularly popular method for such schemes. Let’s look at the details of these attacks and […]